Since this is likely to be the single issue that all candidates will face and need to address as we move towards the primaries, why don't we go there...
Political parties aside, the truth of the matter is that, for what ever reasons, right or wrong, we are in Iraq and we are in this war. Everyone needs to stop fixating on the reasons why we are there and concentrate on finishing the job with decisiveness, commitment and strength. We must show the world that America stands behind all of its nations decisions irregardless of the clarity of hindsight.
This country must stand united behind the dedicated and selfless troops we all placed in harms way. Our military and civilian contractors deserve and frankly should demand our unwavering support. These fine young men and women are doing the job we sent them to do with honor and integrity. Each and every politician in Washington could learn a great deal form these troops.
In infuriates me to hear Senator Clinton professing to the global media that "there are no do-overs in life" and " had I (Clinton) known now what I know now, I never would have given the President the authority to go to war." Give me a break!!! What kind of message does that type of rhetoric send to our citizens, allies, enemies and worst of all, those very troops we sent to Iraq (Senator Clinton included)?
Political analysts have picked up on a very important element of Senator Clinton's personality when they say, "she (Clinton) is a cautious triangulator". It is extremely transparent that she does indeed position herself very carefully for personal political benefit. For those of you exercising your constitutional right to freedom of choice, do not let this be lost on you.
It is a fact that no one would argue that the war in Iraq is tragic and perhaps misguided and mismanaged at times but it is war; wars are never a good thing. Sure, some make a case that war is good for economies and perhaps patriotism but the harsh reality is that people die and casualties, troops as well as civilian, are sad and often times unnecessary.
Again, we are in this war. We need to finish what we started. I support the escalated exit strategy which positions the Iraqi's in charge of their Country. They need to take the lead and responsibility for governing and policing their land and their people. Quite frankly, they need to do it and do it now, then we need to leave. This should not be confused with quitting - we are Americans, we do not QUIT!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
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