Wednesday, January 24, 2007

State of the Union

President Bush delivered his State of the Union address last night to a Democratic Chamber. One of the most notable changes was the introduction of "Madame" Speaker. I spent a great deal of time trying to watch everything but President Bush as he spoke. Watching Madame Speaker it was easy to see that a "show" was being put on for the cameras. What appeared to be a cordial and pleasant exchange between the President and the Speaker will no doubt change to disdain and loathing today. Comments from Harry Reed and the Speaker have already signalled what we the people can expect from the Democratic Party. Reed stated that, "the President is ignoring the will of the people".

President Bush was eloquent and articulate through out the 49 minute address. His message was clear and his purpose was strong. No matter what your feeling is regarding the war, he communicated his vision and rationale in a fashion that was compelling and made you think. His thoughts on health care and the economy were on point as well as his strategies for decreasing this countries dependence on foreign oil.

The vignettes at the end of his address were fantastic and left me feeling very proud to be an American. This is a great country and we need to be sure that our leadership is equally as great.

I have placed a link to in this BLOG. I would urge you to take a look at it. It is filed with very interesting information, perspectives and other web links.

Stay strong Republicans!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great forum for voicing opinions and keeping the Republican party on its toes. Keep it up!